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The Life -changing story resulting from RTN-CTA partnership

CTA has published a book on impact stories which results from CTA partnerships with various organizations and Networks in Africa, Caribbean and pacific. This book provides a snapshot of CTA’s achievements during the last decade. It is a celebration, rather than a conventional impact assessment, and it provides an insight into the broad range of activities that CTA has supported through partnerships across Africa, Caribbean and the Pacific (ACP).
RTN-CTA partnership started in 2009.Since then a joint project have been implemented in Rwanda and includes: Participation in international conferences, study tours, training on web 2.0 and social media, strengthening institutional capacity of RTN and organize Telecentres managers workshops
The recent study conducted jointly by CTA and RTN indicate that during the CTA support project period (2009-2012), RTN has been able to transform from an informal network to a strong institution with national and international recognition in ICTs for rural development through the Telecentre movement advocacy work. The network boasts of 140 members who are practicing ICT entrepreneurship throughout Rwanda. Government through RDB entrusted the management of its telecenters to RTN. This is a strong sign of credibility and recognition.
To beneficiaries, there has been increased use of web 2.0 skills in Rwanda, improved networking and knowledge exchange among telecenter practitioners due to access to CTA publications. Also, rural employment opportunities have been created due to continued business support services provided in BDCs to start up entrepreneurs.
Click here to Ready “RTN story of change” , Click here to ready the whole book on “Stories of change

The Life -changing story resulting from RTN-CTA partnership
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